Wednesday, 27 August 2008

'Rock Band 2' Demo Reveals Small But Important Tweaks -- And Trash-Can Drums!



MTV Multiplayer � Small But Key �Rock Band 2? DetailsMTV Multiplayer � Small But Key �Rock Band 2? Details


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Small But Key �Rock Band 2? Details

Posted by Stephen Totilo on 8/21/08 at 11:09 am.

Earlier this week I had some other one of my in person disturbing �Rock Band 2� demos, where I conditioned some unexampled details about the coming MTV-made game.

Note that the �RB2? demos don�t interrupt me because the game is unsettling, but because the powers that be at MTV stage these events on a floor in the VH1 offices where I used to work. Oh, the joyfulness of reversive to an old role. Why non set the next demonstration in my old middle school, MTV people? I�m sensitive about revisiting my past. OK. My fault, not theirs.

Anyway, here ar some key things I learned around the game:

The kick-pedal doesn�t fall off � Not only are the new �Rock Band 2? drums wireless, but when you lift them off the floor, the kick-pedal doesn�t fall off. As �RB2? world relations man John Drake noted, this is an advance that will be appreciated by people world Health Organization don�t have a permanent spot for their video game drums in their place of residence and need to move them a lot.

The new drum trainer mode includes food waste can sounds � �RB2? includes a mode that teaches drum-playing by looping a beat, scrolling required notes and scheming a percentage of player effectiveness for a plant beat pattern. Players canful set the beats-per-minute and choose for one of 76 beat progressions, emulating riffs of everything from swing music to metal. Or you can enjoyment a fill trainer, which teaches 45 effective shipway to mewl on the drums during a occupy. Several drum-set sounds are available for the trainer, including� an overturned methamphetamine can.

Daily �Battle of the Bands� challenges might incorporate DLC - Drake said that the developers of �RB2? studio Harmonix hope to provide a new Battle of the Bands challenge every day (including Sundays, he hopes, after we reporters grilled him on that). These challenges can only be created by developers and testament present such trials as The Stalker Challenge (best band performance in Blondie�s �One Way Or Another� and iI other stalker-sounding songs) or a Steely Dan struggle that requires entrants play solo, on expert, simply with the no-failure option that volition let them play to the end. Each Battle runs for a set number of hours or days. Each of a player�s performances is stratified in an online leaderboard and in a Battle history. The Battles will sometimes include downloadable songs. If they do, the player will be told this once they try on to enter the Battle.

I left the demo with a preview copy of the game and will have more impressions once I dig into it.

The �Rock Band 2? game and instruments will be available on the Xbox 360 on September 14 (but non in a bundle until a later, unannounced date). Wii, PS2, and PS3 versions are expected later this year.

Related Posts:
Harmonix: How �Rock Band 2? Lets You Access First Game�s Songs
See The Who Live In Concert From The Front Row (�Rock Band� Party Photos)
The Comprehensive �Rock Band 2? Track List � All 257 Songs So Far
Our E3 Flickr Update: We Found �Rock Band� In The Garbage

Filed Under: Music Games, Rock Band


Thursday, 7 August 2008


Artist: Doomriders



Black Thunder   
 Black Thunder

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 13

Salem, Massachusetts' Doomriders are a incline project for workaholic Converge and Old Man Gloom member Nate Newton (guitar and vocals), in coaction with friends Chris Pupecki (guitar), Jebb Riley (bass and vocals), and Chris Bevalaqua (drums). And, where most of their veritable pursuits (bands like There Were Wires, Blacktail, Hallraker, and Some Kind of Hate) call for fastidiously assembled songs, Doomriders' 2005 debut, Black Thunder, features escaped, self-produced, though no less acute heavy careen.